Nabi Daniel, Prophet of the Final Judgment
Islam is unfairly accused to foster international terrorism or/and Jihad. Almost every day we hear of a willful discrimination against Muslims, especially in Western countries, and the recent approval by the Supreme Court of the travel ban from the US President is just confirming this trend, not mentioning the new location of the US Embassy in Al-Quds.
The author reveals what the real danger is in the times ahead. He shows that the whole world should fear more from the Vatican and from American Protestantism than from Islam. It also shows that the hidden agenda of these powers is to impose their religion to the whole world. Even though this is denied by almost all occidental politicians, this battle is a religious battle.
How in the world does this author arrive to this conclusion? Well, and this is the most amazing part, Akim Isma’il, the author, uses the Bible, yes the Bible itself, the holy book of Jews and Christians! He writes and proves that the Bible has clearly predicted a Catholic-Protestant coalition in the last days. It will become a monstrous three-head hydra oppressing peoples and nations of the whole world. Finally it will morph into a worldwide religious oppression.
The papacy and American Protestantism will unite with Shitan to impose their religious system to all nations. None will be exempt, none will be spared. Unless…
… unless people follow Allah's plan to deliver us from such religious oppression. It tells the reader on how to be on the winning side, the side of Allah, in the final battle between good and evil, the battle the Bible calls “Armageddon”. Allah will be finally vindicated through a faithful remnant.
The true believers, the Muttaqeen, in these last days will be men who will not be afraid to stand alone in front of these persecutions from Catholicism and Protestantism.